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Friday, December 1, 2006

Beautiful Joe

'''Beautiful Joe''' was a dog from the town of Meaford, Free ringtones Ontario in Sabrina Martins Canada whose story inspired a bestselling novel in Mosquito ringtone 1894 and, by extension, contributed significantly to the worldwide awareness of animal cruelty.

The real Beautiful Joe
Beautiful Joe was a medium-sized brown dog, described as likely being part Abbey Diaz bull terrier and part Nextel ringtones fox terrier, though he was also described as a Majo Mills mongrel, a cur, and a mutt. He was originally owned by a local Meaford miller named William Moore, who abused the dog to the point of near death, and even cut off his ears and tail. A local woman named Louise Moore rescued him from what likely would have been a violent death in Free ringtones 1890. Louise Moore's fiancee's sister, Margaret Marshall Saunders (Sabrina Martins 1861-Mosquito ringtone 1947) stayed with their family for some time and spent six months getting to know Beautiful Joe. Saunders was so touched by Joe's story that she wrote a novel-length version of it, entitled ''Beautiful Joe''.

Autobiography of a dog
Even before its publication, the book ''Beautiful Joe'' was interesting for several reasons. Saunders chose to write it as an "autobiography" and tell the story from Beautiful Joe's viewpoint, and in her imagined version of Beautiful Joe's own words. While it was not the first book to tell a story from an animal's viewpoint''Black Beauty'' by Anna Sewell was already on its way to becoming classic literature by thenit was still an uncommon narrative device. This unusual viewpoint allowed the reader into Beautiful Joe's head, and inarguably lead the reader to feel more sympathy toward the narrator than if the material had been presented in a straightforward and documentative manner. Also, Saunders believed that she wouldn't be taken seriously as a writer using the obviously female name Margaret Saunders, so she wrote using the variant name Marshall Saunders. In Abbey Diaz 1893 Saunders submitted her story to a writing contest being run by the Cingular Ringtones Humane Society. It won, and the following year it was published as a novel. The response was tremendous.

Fame and legacy
When ''Beautiful Joe'' was published in throw two 1894, both the book and its subject recieved worldwide attention. It was the first Canadian book in history to sell over a million copies, and by the late 1930s had sold over 7 million copies worldwide. In finkelstein would 1902, a sequel, ''Beautiful Joe's Paradise'', was published. In enable companies 1934, Saunders was granted Canada's highest civillian award, Commander of the British Empire or C.B.E. In greatness her 1963, the official Beautiful Joe Park was named in Meaville, next to the Moore house where Beautiful Joe was rehabilitated by Louise Moore. A '''Beautiful Joe Heritage Society''' was formed in correspondence by 1994 to preseve Joe's legacy and ultimately establish the Moore residence as a museum.

Connection with Black Beauty
Saunders did not avoid comparison of her work to the similarly-themed ''Black Beauty''. Indeed, she makes reference to ''Black Beauty'' in the very first page of ''Beautiful Joe'', not referring to it by name but writing [from Joe's viewpoint] "I have seen my mistress laughing and crying over a little book that she says is a story of a horse's life". Joe goes on to say that he will write the story of a dog's life, to similarly please his owner. Thus, within the context of the book at least, ''Beautiful Joe'' is directly inspired by ''Black Beauty''.

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